Unstoppable Magnetism: How to Attract the Life You’ve Always Wanted

“See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it”- Rhonda Byrne. 

I know this is hard to believe, but the power to create your dream life is already inside you. Believe it or not, your thoughts create your reality. This is not something I always realized. For years I tried to succeed in online marketing. I wanted that business up and running to lead me to success. I purchased more courses and training than I can count. But somehow, I always seemed to sabotage my dreams through self-doubt, procrastination, and failure to take action. My negative thoughts and lack of real success habits hindered me. I started believing that success was not for everyone and I wasn’t one of the people chosen for it. So, I played the blame game. I kept looking outside of myself to justify my failures rather than seeing my negative thinking as the problem. My limiting beliefs and the energy I was putting out were the real issue, not my “predestined” circumstances, and definitely not other people. Yes, many people believe that all the circumstances in their life are predestined, and it’s actually out of their control. On the contrary, most people are not living their true destiny. They live the results of their thinking, which originated with their teachings, associations, influences, and past experiences.

One day I heard something that changed my life. I learned that 80 percent of success is mindset, and only 20 percent is tactics. By tactics, I mean the step-by-step instructions that were given in the courses I purchased. I was trying to learn the systems without changing my mindset first. Of course, this didn’t work out too well because our biggest obstacle is our mindset. Failure to understand this is the biggest reason people don’t attract the things they want in their life. We must conclude that the problem is on the inside of us and not on the outside. People normally tend to look at the fruit and not at the root. I remember a song growing up in Church… “Something on the inside working on the outside, oh what a joy in my life.”

So you need to take a nice hard look on the inside to find out exactly what hinders you. It could be the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone. This is a real fear because none of us want to make mistakes. The comfort zone is linked to your conditioned mind, and it like things to be normal and safe. It does not like change or risk. But here’s the problem, playing it safe normally doesn’t produce the desired results. You don’t want the pains that come with growth, which can hinder you. Truthfully, there is a lot of discomfort that comes with personal growth. It all stems from deep-seated beliefs that come from things you were taught. It comes from your experiences as well. So you need to look deep inside and deal with why you think your desired reality is impossible. Once you sort this out, you’ll be free and start creating the life you want without anything holding you back. So let’s look at the steps you can take to attract your dream life.

  1. Visualize the life you want.

I’m not talking about writing down a vision statement, even though that has its place. I’m not talking about defining goals, even though this is necessary. I’m talking about using the power of imagination just like we did as kids. For some reason, we lost this ability when we became adults. The only imagination we have now is the one based on fear. Personal Development teacher Bob Proctor says, “Believe that you have the POWER to make your dreams real. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.” I know many Christians will say that this is the New Age movement. But if you’re going to think anyway, why not think positively? What’s wrong with taking a few minutes daily to see your life how you want it to be? You can even use a vision board. That is simply a board with positive images to help you focus on what you desire. We must remember that everything you see in your house, outside, on your job, in your church, and even the clothes you wear starts in someone’s imagination. Bible Apologetics (those that fight for pure doctrine and theology) will quickly dismiss the power of the imagination, calling it heresy. But all the technology that they use and enjoy comes from the power of imagination. If not, someone needs to explain to me how these things came to be without someone seeing it in their mind first. This includes television, internet, video capabilities, audio equipment, and so on. It’s really too many things to name that they all use and enjoy. So if imagination starts the process for all inventions, why can’t you start there when reshaping your life?

2. Get rid of your story.

T Harv Eker always begins his seminars by saying, “Don’t believe a word I Say.” I know that it sounds crazy that someone will suggest that in his own seminar. But then he explains that his teachings only come from his experience and not anyone else’s. We all have a story, which is basically how we see the world and how we see ourselves. So here’s the thing, you grew up with a certain set of beliefs, whether you’re aware of it or not. These beliefs were literally handed to you. Your parents, teachers, friends, religious leaders and associates, and pretty much everyone you knew growing up contributed to your programming. Without even realizing it, you operate on this programming all the time.  It influences every decision you make, big or small. It influences your worldview (how you see the world). Most people that contributed to helping you shape your story had the best of intentions; they love you and really have your best interest at heart. But that doesn’t mean that their influence supports you, “living your best life” or being the best version of yourself. At the same time, some did have bad intentions. They put labels on you that you couldn’t shake off. These bullies will often use ridicule to put labels on you. Without realizing it, you internalize it and begin seeing your life through their eyes. But now it’s time to let it go. It’s time to change your story, and you can start with affirmations.

3. Affirm who you are

No longer feast off the lies that people told you or are still telling you. That ends today. You will now start declaring YOUR own truth. Start by making statements that express who you want to be, who you were destined to be, and how you choose to live. Make sure these affirmations are in the present tense. Do it every day; you can’t hit and miss with these affirmations. When using affirmations, different people have different methods. Some people have a list of things that covers a variety of subjects in every area of their lives. I usually do one subject at a time for about a month until it sticks to my subconscious. For example, at the time of this writing, all my affirmations are about “being focused.” You can use affirmations to recondition your mind for wealth. You have certain ideas about money, whether you know them or not. These ideas are rooted in your subconscious mind. They influence subtle habits that cause you to have money problems. Use affirmations to correct this. You can also use affirmations for physical healing, relationships, business, mental sharpness, etc. Combine affirmation with your visualization for the best results. For the record, I’m not an advocate of witchcraft or black magic. But I do believe in the Law of Attraction. For those that don’t know the difference, I’m sorry.

4. Take a leap of Faith

People’s main challenge with manifesting their desires is believing them before they see them.  I know it’s not easy imagining a future outcome that hasn’t happened yet. A great man of Faith, the late Bishop H.W. Goldsberry, used to say, “Faith only moves in one direction and is never shaken by circumstances or delays. The late healing evangelist Smith Wigglesworth said, “Fear looks, faith jumps, faith never fails to obtain its object.” It takes some faith to push past that hazy uncertainty, and not everyone has it in them to do it. So check all doubt at the door and observe how the Law of attraction works. By the way, if the term “Law of Attraction” bothers you somehow, substitute it with whatever you want and see that the principles I’m giving will still be the same. That term is not the “magic” word. However, thinking in a certain way, believing in a certain way, and developing certain habits, creates certain results.

What do Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Thomas Edison, and the Wright Brothers all have in common? They all used their mind and willpower to create something valuable in this world. All of them also saw something through the eyes of faith before it came to be. In other words, believe it before you see it.

In conclusion, the power of attraction lies within each of us, waiting to be harnessed and utilized to manifest the life we’ve always wanted. By incorporating the above key points into our daily practice, we can unlock the unstoppable magnetism within ourselves.

To explore some even deeper concepts and embark on a journey of unlimited wealth, I invite you to claim your free copy of my book. You’ll discover invaluable insights and practical strategies to transform your money mindset, propelling you toward financial abundance and success.

Remember, you can attract the life you’ve always wanted. By visualizing, releasing your story, affirming your true self, and embracing faith, you can tap into your unstoppable magnetism and manifest the life of your dreams. Start your journey today and unleash your limitless potential.

Don’t wait any longer to take control of your financial destiny. Get your FREE copy of Unlimited Wealth Potential and start your journey toward a prosperous and fulfilling financial future today!

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