In my last blog, I talked about different roads you can take that can lead you to prosperity. But remember that every road will not be smooth, and getting from where you are to where you want to be is not always easy. This is true even if you know exactly where you want to go and exactly how to get there. You will still be met with adversity along the way. Sometimes there is also a great distance you have to travel to get to your destination. This, too, can make you contemplate whether you actually want to go, especially when there are problems along the way.
If you were born into a middle-class family, you were conditioned to think a certain way. Particularly when it comes to things like education, work, and money. Go to school, get good grades, find a well-paying job, invest in mutual funds, and retire at around 65. That’s the blueprint that the majority of us were given. It seems simple enough, but then we find out that its road is bumpy too. But bumpy or not, it’s the road that we were conditioned to travel. So 90 percent of people will stay on it even if they are shown a better way.
So what are some of the roadblocks to prosperity?
You have to get past your comfort zone. These are the things that you are comfortable with mainly because you are familiar with them. It is what you are used to seeing and what you are used to doing. It is what your conditioned mind considers to be safe. For example, your mind understands trading time for money, so it offers no resistance when you’re looking for a job. When you find a job, the higher the wages, the better because it feels safe. However, if you were starting a business, you will feel the resistance. There are certain things that you are used to stressing about, like how to have enough money to pay your bills. Having enough to get the things you want. But in running a business, you’re thinking about different things. How to get more leads, how to increase conversions, and how to keep customers. This is not what the average person wants to think about. So your mind will always make you feel uneasy about anything it is not familiar with. It wants to keep you the same at any cost. So this becomes a roadblock because in order to have more than what you have, you have to do something different than what you are doing. Where you are in life is the direct result of the things you have done, which traces back to how you were conditioned to think. Dare to think differently, do something different, and you will get different results.
You have to get past the people in your life. Like your conditioned mind, the people around you will also try to keep you safe. They might do this out of love and with the best intentions, but they will question it if you try to change. What your mind thinks is safe, your friends and loved ones think so too. Trading time for money is what they do, and that’s what they think you should do. But that’s not where the real money is. If you want real prosperity, you have to move beyond that. But you will not get everyone to understand what you are doing and where you are going. Even those supporting your journey may not completely understand because their mind is conditioned in a certain way. For example, if you want to learn a new skill, you will have to invest in some training. There’s no way around this. However, most people believe that any training that you have to pay for is a scam or a get-rich-quick scheme. They will never invest in themselves like that, so they will not understand if you do. You must also get past people who don’t love and support you. Coworkers and associates will use ridicule and belittle you if they see you doing something different. But regardless of the intentions, you must get past these roadblocks.
You have to get past limiting beliefs. Let’s face it most of our minds were not conditioned for wealth when we were raised. I used to hear the term rich and famous, so I always put the 2 together. The rich were the people on TV. I never thought I could become wealthy any other way. As I got older, I learned a lot about prosperity from the Word of Faith theology. I had as many books and cassette tapes as I could afford. But the teaching was mostly just about God’s will for you to prosper. Don’t get me wrong, that is a good thing to know. However, the only action steps were to give, pray, confess, and believe. All of these things are great, but where is the money coming from? I go into this in more detail with two missing ingredients from the word of faith theology.
Nevertheless, prosperity, just like everything else, starts in your mind. Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, and actions lead to results. Rich people think differently and make different types of decisions. Back to my prior example, they don’t have a problem with investing their time and money into learning a new skill. They realize that specific knowledge leads to wealth, not formal education. So everything you do either helps you or hinders you. That’s why you need the right knowledge to have the right kind of thinking. Then you will have better results. Get passed limiting beliefs. They include things like:
- Rich people are greedy.
- Work hard for money.
- Be satisfied with what you got.
- You can’t be rich and happy.
- Only certain people can have wealth.
You must get past your own bad habits. Most of the time, we sabotage our efforts when it comes to anything we try to do. Yes, we can actually put roadblocks in our own path. This starts with our habits. Your habits come from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind controls things we do without consciously thinking about it, like breathing and walking. In order to change our habits, we must change the programming in our subconscious mind. We retrain it by repetition. Some believe it takes 21 days for a new habit to kick in. But our habits can definitely be a roadblock to prosperity.
Being indecisive and not taking action is a habit. Not sticking with what you start is a habit. Things you do with your money are all habits. Do you budget? Do you spend more than you make? If you live paycheck to paycheck, it’s the result of your habits. Using credit cards excessively is also a bad habit. Before you can be prosperous, you have to get control of your life. Stop taking out high-interest loans. Stop making excuses for not doing better. But develop new habits that are more supportive of what you want to be and where you want to go. Start listening to things that are motivating and make positive affirmations every day.
In conclusion, achieving prosperity and unlocking wealth requires us to confront the roadblocks that stand in our way. By embracing the above key points, we can empower ourselves to overcome obstacles and pave the path toward financial abundance.
To delve deeper into transforming your money mindset and unlocking your unlimited wealth potential, I invite you to claim your free copy of my book. You’ll discover invaluable insights, practical strategies, and actionable steps to empower yourself and propel your financial journey to new heights.
Remember, you hold the power to overcome roadblocks and empower your wealth. By venturing outside your comfort zone, surrounding yourself with positivity, challenging limiting beliefs, and breaking free from bad habits, you create a pathway to abundance and prosperity. Take the first step today and embark on your transformative journey towards unlimited wealth potential.
Don’t wait any longer to take control of your financial destiny. Get your FREE copy of Unlimited Wealth Potential and start your journey toward a prosperous and fulfilling financial future today!